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What are the best practice to write an Article?


In terms of  SEO we always state that, content  is King! so, now is how to add more effective and relevant content into your SEO? So for this one of the best answer is “Article writing”.because article provides your page a regular good amount of content relevant to your page or website.And it makes your page more interesting and attractive , therefore users get attracted and take interest in reading your page . So you get numbers of visitors and popularity.

Most of us write article in the same way online as we do to write books, magazine articles and other long-form and traditional writing skill.But for the good results  It is very important to write  a quality article. To write a quality article, what are the  best practices one should keep in mind. whenever you write just keep in your mind that its not only writing a formative description but its means to teach your reader about  the specific topic or subject.

What are the best practice to write a quality article.

Your best practice just be just of good technical and grammatical in nature or help the search engines find your content more easily.If you think to copy and directly from other content it really doesn’t work  because Google made lot of changes to its algorithm, Google is smart enough.  and when u do such activity in your article and publish google recognize you easily.and consider you as a “spammer”.So to write a quality article  there are some strategies which can make your article and its content interesting .

  • A very clear & meaningful headline -While writing a headline just Make sure it is clear and present a good idea of what the topic or post is all about,so the user should get confuse between topic related to headline .
  • visual writing & gap between paragraph-Keep your paragraph with short description and keep gap between the paragraphs. because Long, dense paragraphs turn off readers.
  • Always write in Active voice– active voice is one of the best ways to write more clearly and more directly and to avoid getting caught in a dry, dead, voice.and active voice directly and naturally connect your content to the topic. Never use a passive voice rule like “Marketing and communications plans are being developed bla , bla company etc. it confuse the reader and also leave bad impression.
  • No content and headline out of the topic– Always try to write sentence that is relevant to your topic . because this practice can make your reader bore and confuse.So cut or delete the irrelevant topics.
  • Use right image or picture– Picture and help the reader to understand the topic and meaning easily and also its make your article interesting . So it is essential to attach picture with with your article that is directly related  with topic.
  • Simple language and correct grammar -It is very important to write article in simple language so every   user and reader can read and easily .Because all reader are not same so your content should be easy to read and understand .
  • A motive and idea in each sentence-:Every sentence should have a basic Avoid multiple clauses and phrases, and lots of information stops and commas. Make sure each sentence has one idea, and not much more than that.
  • More than two sub headlines-Article should have more than two sub headlines.So it organize the all points and decorate the article that drag attention of reader to read and get the points easily.subheads should be write in bold letters because it highlight the topics .

Some practice should be omit to avoid bad writing article.

  • Do not copy paste – Google hates copy paste and call it a “spammer”.So try to read , learn techniques and use your own content.
  • Vast and dense lines – Reader generally avoid such article which contain a long dense content .it makes the reader boredom.so better to give shot and interesting description of your topic.
  • Irrelevant image & graphic elements– Never put the images and graphic which out of your article and topic. It can distract the reader from the topic.so better to choose the image which is directly relate to the topic of article.

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