Link building, simply put, is the process of getting another website to your website. all marketers owners should be interested in link building links to drive referral traffic and increase their site traffic and authority. There’s a right way and wrong way, however, to build links to your sites if you care about the long term visibility on your website then you should engage only natural link building, natural link organic link building is a difficult time-consuming process but its life is long-term.
A. You know what not to do
1. No links directions, blog comments.
2. Don’t over-focus on social just for links.
3.No buying or hiring link-building agencies.
4. Guest-blogging is many less-building agencies.
5. No article spinning, cross-linking, or other shortcuts.
B.Ā The publicationĀ gives amazing links.
1.Ā Only the most authoritative sites.
2. Plus real traffic.
3. Press release on PRWeb or PRlog.
4. Ask peers who gave gotten publicity.
5. Interact with journalists & influencers.
6. Buy advertising.
7. Present at events. The organizer will link and influencers in the audience might too.
8. Stand out and be unique.